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A list of 56 Bhubaneswar Hotels with photo, location, contact details and reviews are given below. Now you can easily find best budget Hotels in Bhubaneswar and can contact directly for booking or other information. So let's start finding your desired Bhubaneswar Hotels.

We don't book Hotels in Bhubaneswar through our website or any other methods. We only provide detail information about some best and budget Bhubaneswar Hotels to our visitors so that they can plan their tour properly.

56 Best BHUBANESWAR Hotels

Total 56 hotels in Bhubaneswar found.
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La Franklin Hotel

La Franklin Hotel

Plot 328/1110, Rasulgarh Square, NH-5, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751010
# Sl. No. 1 out of 56 Hotels in Bhubaneswar
The New Marrion
# Sl. No. 2 out of 56 Hotels in Bhubaneswar
Hotel Sapphire Plaza

Hotel Sapphire Plaza

291, Cuttack Road, Budheswari Colony, Laxmisagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751006
# Sl. No. 3 out of 56 Hotels in Bhubaneswar
Pal Heights

Pal Heights

J/7, Jayadev Vihar Road, Block N5, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751013
# Sl. No. 4 out of 56 Hotels in Bhubaneswar
Hotel The Sutrupti

Hotel The Sutrupti

Plot No. 6, Unit-4, Chhaya Complex, Near Venkateshwar English Medium School, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751001
# Sl. No. 5 out of 56 Hotels in Bhubaneswar
VITS Bhubaneswar Hotel

VITS Bhubaneswar Hotel

A/19, Puri-Cuttack Road, Near Jatri Niwas, Laxmisagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751006
# Sl. No. 6 out of 56 Hotels in Bhubaneswar
Panthanivas Bhubaneswar
# Sl. No. 7 out of 56 Hotels in Bhubaneswar
Mango Hotels Prangan Bhubaneswar

Mango Hotels Prangan Bhubaneswar

692, Opp. Buddheshwari Temple, Puri-Cuttack Road, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751006
# Sl. No. 8 out of 56 Hotels in Bhubaneswar
The Royale Midtown

The Royale Midtown

52-53, Janpath Road, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751009
# Sl. No. 9 out of 56 Hotels in Bhubaneswar
The Tara Residency

The Tara Residency

977/1479, Jhunjhunwala Garden, Unit-2, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751009
# Sl. No. 10 out of 56 Hotels in Bhubaneswar
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FAQs on Hotels in Bhubaneswar

How many Hotels in Bhubaneswar are available at HolidayHomeIndia.in?

There are total 56 Hotels are available in Bhubaneswar.

What are the best Hotels in Bhubaneswar?

It's very difficult to say what are the best hotels in Bhubaneswar. It depends on visitor’s opinion and varies visitor-to-visitor. There are several parameters like location, facilities, cleanliness, tariff, behaviors of staffs etc. make a hotel better than others.

Does the cost of Hotels in Bhubaneswar vary in different seasons?

Yes, the cost of Hotels in Bhubaneswar got increased in the pick season times.

How many days before anyone can book Hotels in Bhubaneswar?

It depends on the booking policy of hotel authority. Some Hotels in Bhubaneswar can be booked anytime throughout the year, but most of the hotels in Bhubaneswar can be booked 3 - 4 months before the Check-In date.

Can you suggest me some Bhubaneswar Hotels which offer free Wi-Fi facility?

Presently some Bhubaneswar Hotels offer free Wi-Fi facility. We shall suggest you to contact directly with hotel authorities for asking about free Wi-Fi facility.

Can you suggest me some good Hotel in Bhubaneswar that are pet-friendly?

Sorry, we don't have information about pet-friendly Hotels in Bhubaneswar. So, we shall suggest you to contact with hotel authorities for asking about this facility.

Can you suggest me some Bhubaneswar Hotels which offer parking facility?

Nowadays some Bhubaneswar Hotels offer parking facility. We shall suggest you to contact directly with hotel authorities for asking about this facility.